Product Features

Why Choose Us?

Natural Silvervine: We don't coat our sticks in any additional chemicals or additives. We want SAFE and natural Silvervine.
Other Brands: May coat their silvervine sticks in additional chemicals that can be harmful to your cat.

Gall Fruit: This is the fruit that grows on the Silvervine plant. Cats LOVE these little dried fruits. They are edible and naturally dried. We always use sisal rope to attach it to the stick.
Other Brands: Beware of this fruit being attached to the stick with choking hazards such as elastic or fishline. Natural sisal rope is best as its fibres can be ingested.

Sisal rope is secured to our sticks to provide a point of friction on your cats teeth (& that reduces the plaque!). The rope fibres are organic and safe for ingestion in small amounts.
NOTE: Only small fibres are okay for ingestion. If the rope starts to unravel, THROW IT AWAY and give your cat a new one. We don't want them swallowing the entire rope!

Dried Raffia Grass: This natural grass-like material attracts cats to play because they LOVE the "crinkle" sound. This is safe to ingest as its just dried natural grass.
Other Brands: Be cautious of other brands and the type of glue they use to secure the grass to the stick. We use a human food-grade glue that is safe for cats.
Silvervine Stick Dimensions

Benefits of Cat Dental Sticks

Multi-surface toy to clean cats teeth

Promotes positive play reinforcement

Improves mental health via play

Relieves stress after teef brushing

Reduces plaque for fresh breath