Hello, Welcome! 😺

Nice to meet you! Our names are Samantha and Melanie. We are from Vancouver, Canada, & are CRAZY cat ladies. We have 3 kitties (Henry, Jasper, & Rylie) that we love and adore.
We founded RYERCAT after a bad encounter with dental issues that we were completely unaware of. Two of our kitties had to undergo dental surgery, and we felt like TERRIBLE pet parents!
In an effort to never let our kitties suffer again, we set out on the search for the best toothpaste & cat toothbrushes we could find. Long story short, there was nothing great... so we made it!
Read more about our cat toothbrush & toothpaste journey below!
Meet the Team
We all know who the real CEO's of the company are... 😸😻😽

The youngest of our family, Rylie is half Mainecoon & half domestic long hair. He loves chatting at 6am for food and pressing "PLAY" & "OUTSIDE" on his communication buttons everyday. He also enjoys watching cartoons. Rylie also has diabetes and takes insulin twice a day. He gets his sugars checked daily and is such a good boy!

The most chillaxed cat you'd ever meet, Henry was so loveable with humans and so trusting. He was found in a farmers field as a kitten and rescued from the shelter and lived the best life EVER. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, on Sept 2, 2023 from a sudden & unexpected aneurysm. He is the cat that started RYERCAT!

If any cat could have the biggest range of emotions... it would be Jasper! He is the biggest cuddle bug as well as the grumpiest member of the family! Jasper loves to escape into the hallway to roll around on the floor. He loves burrowing under blankets, and he is the biggest show off during play time!

Shortly after COVID began, Cat Mom #1 quit her job as a Registered Nurse in Dental Anesthesia to pursue building RYERCAT. Samantha is the key driving force in making sure everything moves forward in a safe & effective manner! She truly has a passion for quality dental care in both cats and humans alike.

Cat mom #2 works from home full time as a Talent Agent. Melanie is also known in the film industry as an amazing Sound Editor. She is the design & social eye for RYERCAT. Nothing would look as cool & modern as it does without her!
Where does the Name “RYERCAT” Come From?
Name “RYERCAT” is a combination of all three of our cats